December is a chaotic time of year for most people even if they're not running their own business like you are. If you're feeling especially overwhelmed you can't miss this episode with Joy Wilder.
Joy is the founder of the Brilliant Life™ Business and Micro-Planning™ Systems where she helps women design insanely successful businesses around a life they love without sacrificing their family or themselves.
Joy's a certified business coach and specializes in Micro-Planning™, helping others turn their passion into profit and optimizing existing businesses' profitability. She's the mom of four children under the age of eight, owner of three small businesses, and former Location Pastor.
She has a passion for coaching others to live their Brilliant Life™ while impacting their communities for good.
When not raising her businesses and babies, Joy loves date nights with her husband, is a spinning junkie and a Settlers groupie.
To learn more, visit the show notes
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